Tonight was fun. I really enjoyed the boys. I think they're appreciating my cooking efforts more and more. Kamdyn helped me cook, clean, and then I tickled him like crazy after baths. I hadn't heard him laugh like that in awhile. It was so cute. Then I read to them, each rotating a turn in my lap. Sweet boys!
Kyan had golf lessons today. He said he's going to get really good at it so he can hit the ball as far as Bubba. That made me smile. Also made me appreciate my family. All of them so much. Sure, they get on my nerves but man, when the going get tough, we know how to "glue-up."
TN had me scared to death about Vivian and the paramedics coming to revive her last night. That little girl is so freakin cute. I can't wait until she's a little bit older and her parents realize she won't break and she isn't as fragile as they think. Poor baby last night though. I wish I was there. I remember when Kyan had a seizure and how helpless I felt. That's the terror I heard in Neen's voice. I'm glad she's okay. I'm CPR certified, as of 2009, so I think/hope its still good. I also took a first aid class for kids. I recommended that she and Joe do the same. I'll babysit that sweet girl. I had her on my mind ALL day today. I can't even fathom the thought of losing any of our kids. EVER.
Emotionally, I'm 20 times better than I was a week ago. I still think of JR and miss him though. But I'm surrounded by some good people. Some familiar faces that have recently come into my life and that sure is nice. I feel like we never had a gap in our friendships. I'm looking forward to my Dallas trip in June. I get to catch up w/ Braden and hang out. He's going to be a wonderful friend. He already has been. Seems like he's got the right words of encouragment at just the right time. As bad as I want to go to that LeMons race that same weekend, I told my Dallas friends, don't let me. Besides, what if JR has a girl there w/ him. Ugh.
I did receive a nice email from JR today. I don't think I'll respond. When I saw his name on my phone, I got butterflies for a split second (my emails feed to my phone). I cringed as I opened the email. It mentioned us being friends and he said he doubted he could see me with someone else. Well, you goof, you basically dumped me? So, why would you be jealous? I can't say I ever saw him get jealous. I did though, to a fault. Stupid, Khaki. I asked Kyan tonight if he missed Jefferson. I told him he could say yes or no and I didn't care what his answer was. He said, "No, I don't miss him but can Michael come sleep over?" Every night after baths, Kasyn asks if Jefferson can come play zombie. Kamdyn brought me King, the car that Michael played with (JR's son) and told me to save it for Michael.
I still don't have an appetite. Today, I ate some Doritos (couldn't even finish the bag) and drank half of a Diet DP. I'm still taking my vitamins though so I'm fine.
My fan club was going strong today via text and emails. I didn't respond to any of them. Tonight, there were some hurt feelings. I just don't care. They're all very flattering texts/emails. A few are a little creepy, I'll admit. I'm just not feeling it. I am learning a little about defining boundaries so that's really good.
A local DJ took a listener on a date. Well, she didn't show up for the date so he's been talking about it all week. Anyway, my friend took it upon herself to email him today and tell him about me. He asked for a picture of me. So, she gave him my facebook page. I quickly emailed Braden and asked him which picture I should put as profile picture. He told me the one of me and the boys where I'm in the red shirt. I wrote back, "Why are you trying to ruin my chances from the get go?" He said, "Far from it. I'm helping you. There's something very sexy about a single mother." I left my pictures alone. It was funny. My friends are silly.
It's funny on how everyone inquires about my ethnicity. Asking if I'm from Peru, Labanon, Brazil (I get that one the most, thanks Drew). Nope, just little ol' me, Texas girl. The compliments about my outward appearance are nice. The compliments about how I carry conversation or have an awesome sense of humor are enticing but can't help but say, in my short exposure to the dating world, have become a bit cold and skeptical about those "lines"....(thanks JR).
Tomorrow is counseling which I have a whole list of things to discuss. I'm looking forward to it but just remembered I didn't do my homework. EEK! I need to get on that. Then I have my single mom group at church. I haven't seen them in over two weeks so it'll be good to see them. I think I'm exactly where I need to be. Life is good. Now, about that homework....and Modern Family.....and laundry. THEN sleep, which I still am having issues with.
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