Saturday, May 15, 2010

Meet Drew aka AJM aka Fuktard aka The Fireman aka The Catalyst aka Woody

There I was on a lonely Saturday night...not knowing what to do when it dawned on me that I had never before gone to Cool River on a Saturday night. I had been there many times before on the plentiful Thursday "Ladies" night, yet hadn't made it out to the cactual fabled weekend festivities there.

Even while I was parking my car I was wondering why I was there by myself. I walked in and took a lap seeing who was there. It was full of interesting prospects, but I wasn't really in the mood to spend much time there. I decided to sit and drink a couple of beers before I took off.

I sat at an empty table, ordered my first beer and broke out the cell phone to gab at my friend in California. In between messages, I looked over to my left, and there she was, a beautiful brunette wearing tall black boots....dressed to kill! She seemed to be alone, but kept looking at her phone like she might be expecting someone, so I stayed at bay. And then it happened....from out of nowhere Wild Bill started telling this beautiful woman his goofy life story! I know because he was talking so loudly I'm sure the band, 50 yards away, could hear him also!!!

So, there I sat listening to where he was from, what he did, and how he knows people from Brazil. This is where my interest was pricked...Brazil?....was she Brazilian? She had the shimmering brown skin, the almond eyes, and the long beautiful brown hair Brazilian women are famous for. Could it be? Could I impress her by simply speaking her language since I used to live there, and seal the coffin on Wild Bill?!?!?! She and Billy Boy were bantering in Portuguese. All I had to do was wait until Billy Boy was off doing something else...and finally I got my chance. While he was off dancing with a large woman in his party, I moved in and initiated conversation.

She started to talk to me readily, but then looked at me like she wasn't understanding what I was saying to her, that's when I realized I was speaking in Portuguese to her. Perhaps a problem. She wasn't Brazilian, however, she worked for a Brazilian company and that was the connection Bill was broadcasting in Dolby Digital to the surrounding area.

We started talking and I found out that she was in somewhat of the samt boat I was in going through my divorce! We totally hit it off talking for the rest of the night, sharing all the same experiences we have both gone through.

Sooner than I knew it Cool River closed. I slowly walked her out to her car...not wanting to reach her car door and have to say goodbye. When we did get there we stood and talked in the cold for a while, and then I took a chance. I was going to grab something to eat before going back home, and I invited her to come. She slightly smiled at me and took the invite!!

Walking back to the truck I don't know if I was actually touching the felt great...she said yes??? (Was there something wrong with her??)

She followed me to IHOP and we sat and ate. I eagerly sat and learned all I could about her. She was so interesting. She was so well-spoken. She was so pretty. Her eyes, her hair, her lips, the way she moved her hands, the way she ate, she had an innocent yet mature aura about her. I wanted to learn her every nuance.

Sadly, the evening/morning had come to an end as she was driving all the way back to Dallas in the morning! (Of course the girl of my dreams wouldn't be divorced yet, and live 400 miles away!!!) We said good-bye, and as we walked back to her car, I was on cloud nine, happy beyond words.

As I said good night I felt so tempted to kiss her, but she's still in a situation that doesn't allow that. I would have to wait. I watched her get int her car, and I followed her down the road until she was out of sight. I spent the rest of the drive home thinking about everything we had talked about....dreaming of the next time I get to see her....hoping I would get to see her.

Now, wasn't that one of the sweetest things you've ever read? HA!!! Drew was psycho. We would text and talk on the phone and he just showed signs of crazy. And I did see him on a few trips back to Austin over the next months. Hell, he and 3 of his co-workers unloaded my moving truck in about 50 minutes. I will say that there were times he kept me rational. He was just the right dose of boost to my confidence. Oh and he was 6ft 8 inches tall, fireman, decent build but looked like Woody from Toy Story. I never saw him again after he helped me move. I did get the opportunity to tell him that he was a catalyst in my divorce. I don't think he liked it too much. He was totally a player though. He was Mormon, well, I don't know much about Mormonism but I do know that he was excommunicated from the church? And the bastard cheated on his wife and had 4 kids. Good riddance.

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