Saturday, May 15, 2010

In the beginning.....

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void....oh wait, THE beginning of Khaki D....that's right. That's why I'm starting this blog. I won't begin with the day I was born or bore you with childhood memories, today anyway. We'll start now as I embark on my single mom life in Austin, TX...the day to day, the ho-hum, the adventure, the dating woos and woes. That should make for something interesting. At least, that's what my friends tell me. There are many key players in this world I know and might have to supplement this publishing with a dictionary or at least an index.

So, on Nov. 28, 2008, my world crashed in on me and I knew my marriage was over. We spent 12 years together, 8 of those married. My divorce was final May 8th, 2009. I really thought I was going to spend my life with Kevin. We had overcome so much. Hindsight, a year post-divorce, I can see very clear the red flags and all that attributed to the demise of my marriage. And no, Kevin isn't completely at fault. I take full accountability of my actions too. But, Kevin is the one that set that final straw on the camel's back, told the dealer to hit when he was sitting on 19. Yes, the next card wasn't the 2 of diamonds. And here I sit in my apartment blogging about it. I will say, since you can't see me, that I type with a smile on my face. A very pragmatic smile.

We will talk about Kevin more, I'm sure. But now, let's meet some key players in the last year of my life. On December 28, 2008, I went to my mom's for a surprise Christmas visit to be with my brother, sister, mom and grandmother. I took this little 48 hour trip solo. Kevin kept the kids and I drove to Austin. We lived in Dallas. Christmas that year had been about as artificial as they come. Of course, I was about to endure a divoce and 6 months of the worst living arrangments of my life. Pay attention to time lines because I won't define or defend them for you. On this visit, I told my mother that I wanted a divorce. That was actually good news for her to hear. I told her I would let her know what all I needed from her to make it happen but that I was serious..."this time." After a nice Christmas dinner sans kids, my family went to their respective homes in Austin and I crashed out on my mom's couch. I had already disgarded my wedding ring a few weeks prior. I mean, it was in my wallet but there was no need to show the world that I was married. I lay there wide awake not sure what to do. I decided to go to Cool River across the street. Cool River is known as a meat market for the cougars of our time. I don't consider myself a cougar but it was close to where I was camping out and I felt it was safe. I just wanted to go and watch what single adults do when they go "out." I had never experienced "going out" before as I met Kevin when I was just weeks shy of 18 and well, you know that story. We went out together but never Girls Nights Out or anything of the sort. As I'm walking out the door, I set off the alarm to the house. Oops. Here comes Mom. I was 29 years old at the time and not quite sure why I felt the need to explain to my mother where I was going. Anyway, she accosted me at the door, gave me her phone (mine was running on fumes) and told me to have fun. I walk in and see a table in the lounge area of the restaurant/bar. I take my seat. I see televisions (boxing is on) and I order a Colorado Bulldog. Ok, so I'm people watching in my skinny jeans, black leather jacket, tall black boots, hair down, make up barely touched up, drinking my Colorado Bulldog and playing with both of these phones. I thought that might help me not look so desperate. At any rate, I'll let Drew narrate the evening from here.

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