Sunday, February 6, 2011

Simple Cup O' Joe

This morning I had the joys of getting myself and my three sons ready to be at destination by 7:30 a.m. The destination was Summit Elementary where my 5 year old was performing in his first school play. We had been planning this day for several weeks. Kyan had chosen to be a clown. So, everyday Kyan and I thought of different additions to make his clown costume "the best"...

Alarm goes off at 5:35 a.m. and I begin to suit up my adorable clown. He was going to wear one of my white blouses (don't ever tell him he wore a woman's blouse or he'd die), black vest, pajama pants (to which I had to make sure were the Transformer pants, cleaned and ready), grandpa's tie (which thankfully he tied before giving us), a red nose, face painted clown smile, and a hat....which Kyan picked out at Party City the other night and said he was so happy because it looked like a Michael Jackson hat. Issues I will address post-puberty, I'm sure....the desire to be like MJ.

I asked Kyan what his lines were in this play. He looked at me with disgust, actually, he looked at me with a scrunched up face that I realize I make all too often because it was definitely a "Khaki expression"....and says, 'NO Mommy, I picked a clown so I wouldn't have to talk. I just stand there and pretend to juggle.'

Clown is ready and as I'm getting ready, begging the others to follow suit so we won't be late, Kyan starts dressing Kasyn who is more concerned with where the lego man's legs are. Needless to say, a spanking later, several screams, crying, fit throwing, and me with wet hair, we're as ready as we'll ever be and all boys havemiraculously been fed. My apartment looks like Paris Hilton's closet has thrown up.

I drop off the most adorable looking clown and he's EARLY. Then I take the twins to zip by Grandma's to pick up the iFlip so I can film it for my family who can't make it. Sweet, I still have 20 minutes before the play starts and it's right across the street. I do have time for coffee afterall. Where was the magicaly delicious cup of wake-me-up at 5 a.m.? I should plan better but fell asleep on the couch amidst piles of laundry I was folding...ya win some, ya lose some.

Anyone that knows me, knows I hate being late to anything and sometimes just won't show up if I'm that late. And all too often, Kyan is late to school. Albeit, only by a few minutes. I hate it and someday he can thank his little brother Kasyn for the morning tantrums. Thank God for a minivan w/ automatic doors, a stop, drop, and roll exit in the carpool line, and shoes that 'make you run fast'.....oh and the bribe of a few quarters to get some ice cream in the lunch line if he makes it to the door by the time the van gets up to the Parking Lot Nazi lady. Give a woman an orange vest and a stop sign and she can rule the she thinks.

So, I go to the coffee shop on the way to Ky's school. I prefer Starbucks but this place is pretty good, just slow. But what's this, no line.....just one car already at the window. I order. I pull up to the window and we wait....and wait...and wait. The lady has been handed her coffee and is gabbing at the lady. Hello!!! She must've missed the memo that Kyan Williams has a school play this morning!?!?!?! GO, Lady!!!!! Don't you have to get to work? Geez!!! I'm digging in my purse for my money/debit card (that is filled with normal purse stuff plus legos, action figures, and disgusting bubble gum). I start to panic. I cannot find my wallet. As I'm now, at the window, I tell Tiffany (the drive thru attendant who knows me by name, is that wierd?) and I'm giving her that finger as if to say, "just a second".....reaching with my other hand trying to feel for my wallet that may have fallen in the backseat. She says, "The lady in front of you has paid for your coffee and wanted me to tell you Merry Christmas."

A flood of guilt consumes my body. How thoughtful. I do that all the time BUT have never had anyone do that to/for me. On occasion, the baristas will give me coffee for free but never a patron in line ahead of me. I did find my wallet. Kasyn was holding it for me, pulling out all of the cards and throwing them on the floor.

Tiffany, "Khaki, do you have the boys with you today? Do you want some animal crackers?" Me, "Yes, please. And if she comes through here again, tell her thank you so much. I truly appreciate it." Tiffany, "After she offered to pay and I saw that it was your van, I told her that you were a regular and that you were a single mom of 3 little boys, probably not a more deserving person." Me, "Thank you so much! That's really sweet of both of you."

Then, off to the school where I'm still 13 minutes until showtime.....which means you sit in the very back row. And I would like to inform all the parents at that school (except for Chloe's mom, of course) that their kid's part wasn't that important and that they need to sit down in their seats so I can SEE, HEAR, FILM, and FOCUS on Kyan pretending to be juggling...the cutest of all 5 clowns on stage, might I add. In fact, I don't even know what the play was about....aside from a Christmas Toy Shop....I was too busy playing limbo, and doing my own cirque de soleil, through the sea of filming parents trying to get video and pics of MY CLOWN so Kevin, Gramaw, Granpa, Aunt Nini, Uncle Jojo, and Uncle Bubba could see it. Oh and the school also has an audience control which I ignored. :-)

I was proud of my clown...and managed to laugh when I got back to my seat in the very back row and saw Kasyn drinking the remainder of my latte....the rest of my morning should be full of adventure. I love my life, however chaotic.

Take time to taste the coffee....and enjoy moments...appreciate life.

1 comment:

  1. This was a post from December 10th but I can't find my Dec/Jan posts or here they all Feb. My bad.
