Sunday, February 6, 2011

The easy years, MY ASS!

So, whoever said that these are the easy years, the toddler/elementary/young years, are full of shit. Tonight I had the joy of driving the 125 miles to Waco and back to pick up my boys from their dad. Things were pleasant. We met at the gas station where the boys were finishing up their Sonic in the car and I joked with Kevin about his choice in attire (red polo and khaki pants) asking him "Since when do you work at Target?" and then playfully asked where my dinner was to which Kyan replied, "We forgot your cheesesticks." (see, he knows) Then we have the wonderful bathroom experience where they often go between using the women's with me and the men's with's hilarious, actually. Whatever works.

Since Kevin wasn't generous this evening in ordering me the cheesesticks from Sonic that I've eaten for the better part of 5 years, me and the boys head to Sonic. Lol. We're waiting for my food and I look back at Kyan who is clinching his fists and squinting his eyes so hard that he looks like a constipated sumo wrestler. I asked, "KYAN, what are you doing, son?" He looks at me shyly, "I wish so bad Mommy this wish that I can't tell you." Me kind of laughing, "Just tell me, Ky." Him adamant, "NO, it won't come true and I'm wishing so hard." Me, "Maybe instead of wishing we can just pray about it...together and God can make it come true." (And really, I was thinking this wish was for the latest and greatest XBox game or structure....not THIS)

He holds out his hand and says, "Grab my hand and I'll say it." I, with one hand, grab his little hand and he's squints his eyes so tight and clinches his other fist, "Dear God....Mommy, close your eyes!....Dear God, I wish you would sneak into Daddy's heart and make him marry Mommy again. Please, oh, please, make this wish come true. Amen."

Me, insert gulp and speechlessness.

Kyan, "That was a good job, huh? I bet he heard it because I was wishing extra hard and he has these huge ears. Kasyn, did you know God has the biggest ears in the world?" Kasyn shocked, "That's wheely wheely big."

Me, insert tears. I have NO idea what to say and was wishing it was the Harry Potter Lego castle he "wished" for.....Wow. That kid is something else. So, I immediately send a short version text to my brother and sister.

Quincy's reply, "Awe, we've been there too. Hurts. Ky is such a smilemaker. Hang tuff." I remember that. Wishing my parents would get married....also that they'd get divorced. Catch 22. But I was a teenager.

Kyan is only 5 and was only 3 when we divorced. I can't believe his brain sometimes. Then he's drawing zig zags on this pillow in his lap and says, "Guess what I'm drawing, Mommy." Me, "A rollercoaster mountain?" Him, "Nope, it's me going back and forth to Mommy's, Daddy's, Mommy's, Daddy's.....and I'm sooooo tired of it. Do you know where Ms. Georgia lives? Maybe you can get a house next to her's and we can live next to Daddy so it won't be 10 days, 7 days, 12 days, forever days. It will just be everyday." Me, "I can't live next to Ms. Georgia, honey. My whole family is here and I would be sad to leave them."

Then Kamdyn screams so loud you'd think he just got shocked or something. I ask him what's wrong. "I MISS DADDY!!!!!!! I DIDN'T GIVE HIM ANOTHER HUG." He goes on for a long time.....crying for his Dad. I got out and crawled in the back and gave him a hug and wiped his tears and told him over and over that it was okay to be sad and to miss Daddy. But that we were going to have a fun time this weekend. We're going to try to ride horses, etc......he stopped for a second.....only a second. Then SCREAM........

"Hey guys, do you want a milkshake? Let's get milkshakes!!" (ice cream is comfort food for some people, right?) I get the shakes. Kamdyn wants a "Daddy shake." I make a joke about how that would not taste would have eyeballs and guts and toes in it. He didn't think it was funny. Then, thank GOD, Kyan burps so loud everyone started laughing.

So, I ask the boys what songs they want me to play on the ipod. Distract, distract, distract. Ky gets to pick first. "Be OK" by Ingrid Michaelson. No shit? Really, Kyan? The song I listened to every single morning for 3 months straight after my divorce.

And we're off....BE OK it is.....for about 40 miles on repeat until they fall asleep.

The easy years my ass!

This post was originally from Jan 17, 2011.

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